Looking to Google for the answers of life

I found myself searching for answers on Google the other night. Not answers to questions for any class or project, but answers to life’s most meaningful questions. My inquiries included the following:

“God AND Love”

“God AND Fate”

“God AND Friendship”

I knew deep down I wasn’t going to find any resolutions in the subsequent 5,680,000 results. But as I scanned through the random Web sites offering their views, I realized it took Google and average of .19 seconds to find these solutions. .19 seconds for the meaning of life. I’m impressed? Then I realized it would probably take more than one fifth of a second for the answer to that question. I’ve been told it could involve an entire lifetime.

Like most things, my original inquiry left me asking more questions. Why should I have to wait a lifetime for an answer that will only be accompanied by my demise? I was programmed early on to live a life of instant gratification, not fair. Is living life worth it? Will it take Google .19 seconds to find the solution to this question as well?

It actually took Google .23 seconds to find 17,200,000 results, but that is beside the point. The point is, you take chance waking up every morning. As you go throughout your day, you have the choice to answer the meaning of life question with your own resources, or by using someone else’s standard: Google.

Despite what society tells you, Google doesn’t have all of the answers.

The reason why Google lacks this all-knowing clause is because there isn’t just one answer-it’s more like a concept that is enhanced everyday. And the only way to tap into this answer is to consult the carefully constructed resources within your soul, a place that even Google doesn’t have a map to.

The reason why it usually takes a lifetime for people to find the answers to life’s most meaningful questions is because they are afraid to simply ask themselves. Instead, they live their lives by everyone else’s standards. They live within a range Google can reach. So ask yourself, not Google, what is the meaning of life?

Possible answer: learning to trust yourself. Never be the same.

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