Current president Chris Whitaker endorses SGA candidates

I am endorsing Mike Perkins for President, Amanda Carter for Vice President.

I’m doing this for a number of reasons, but primarily because they’ve been there and their opponents have not.

Mike Perkins lost his race for Vice President last year to my running mate and current SGA Vice President Jason McKnight. However, Mike still cares about students and wanted to continue to work for students. So, he stuck with it. He was there when SGA fought to save the name of the university and he’s been an active member of student government this entire year.

Amanda Carter has also been extremely active this year in student government and is now the Chief of Student Affairs. And she’s been doing this while being involved in Chi Alpha and the Political Science Junior Fellows. She’s been there, unlike her opponent. Her opponent ran for president last year, lost and

then disappeared from SGA. Compare this with Mike Perkins, who lost his race, and STILL stuck with SGA. Mike and Amanda care about the student body and are willing to do the work necessary to bring forth changes beneficial to the students.

Those who have been active in SGA this year and have fought for students throughout the year are in the best position to run it. Those who disappear for a whole year and then decide to run again are not.

-Christopher Whitaker

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