Staff Goodbyes – Kelsey Shimek


This school year has been exhausting. I took way too many hours each semester and lost way too much sleep over assignments and obligations. However, this year was also one of the best out of the three I have spent here at Sam.

In the fall, I was intimidated by The Houstonian. Ever since I learned it was part of my curriculum for my degree in mass communication, I became terrified of the newsroom. The night before the first issue was printed last fall, I felt out of place. But, the people in the newsroom were dedicated and friendly, so I actually had fun!

This is when I knew I had made the right decision about my education. My experience here at The Houstonian has been bittersweet. The late nights on Monday and Wednesday have been exhausting but to wake up and see (or that one time, where I didn’t see) the issues stacked up in the different buildings waiting to be read sends this pang of excitement through me.

Rachael, you’ve taken me in and encouraged me during my transition from a walk-in helper to Entertainment and Copy Editor. Your genius layouts have saved me more than once. Christi, you are a great sports writer and your self-editing skills are amazing. Jessica, you have provided me with hours of hilarity during the late hours on deadline. You are also awesome at headlines. Bryan, how many times have you graced my page with your reviews? Hang in there; you are a great writer and I have always enjoyed your columns.

I want all of my coworkers to know that this semester, although my last, has been a rewarding experience. I made new friends, some mistakes and learned more than I ever thought was possible. Thank you all for welcoming me into the newsroom and making my semester fly by quickly!

I want to thank my parents for allowing me to attend SHSU right out of high school. Sorry guys, but I really needed to move out. Y’all know I love you and I hope I am making you both proud. Your support, through your love and, let’s not forget, finances, has provided me to pursue something I have always loved.

Kendan, thanks for picking me up at 11 p.m., 11:39 p.m. and sometimes 12:15 a.m. from the The Houstonian office. You believed I could be a writer and I want to thank you for always encouraging me. I love you because you’ve never given up on me. Literally.

To everyone else, I hope all of you have a great college experience. I will take the lessons I have learned here in The Houstonian with me to every job I have in the future. If any of you have an opportunity such as this, please consider taking part in it. These experiences can only supplement what you have learned in a classroom, if not inspire you even further in what you do.

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