The day Facebook replaced courting

The “super poke,” one of Facebook’s oldest forms of communication; but is it the newest form of the love letter? While many people complain about the complexity and fast pace that life seems to take from day to day, I wonder if no one can take time for their loved one.

In the 1950s and 1960s it was popular to receive your sweetheart’s class ring and a note asking you to go study. Several notes of admiration often followed these two gestures of devotion.

In 2008, do people give their class ring away or even a post-it note size amount of love? I was talking to some friends of mine and they began discussing how their boyfriends/girlfriends will text them continuously throughout the day. While texting is a convenient for of communication, and in our generation’s eyes, a necessity, I wonder if it is a necessity to multi-task between relationship and daily responsibilities.

It is now common for people to leave a message on your Facebook wall to tell you happy birthday, or that they miss you and you should call them to hang out. Whatever happened to the Hallmark card; as far as I know, Facebook doesn’t carry a gold crown.

It is understandable that there might not be time in our busy society to right Johnny a poem of undying love. I wonder if there is no time now, when will there be. If relationships begin to suffer in the dating stage, what will be next, texting, “I do” on the alter?

According to an article published via, technology overload can destroy a relationship. Top psychologists have conducted research that consider technology overload to be as addicting as alcohol or drugs, and if we do not properly learn how to maintain technology, then our behavior will be affected and we will become dependent on our Mac instead of our mate.

How many times have you been asked out on Facebook or MySpace?

It is common knowledge that people don’t want to be asked out via the Internet. If this is true, than why do we still send e-mails asking people out?

The use of technology and the prevalence it has on a relationship has been popularized on television several times. The most famous of this example would be Sex and the City, when Carrie found out her boyfriend broke up with her via post-it note.

When I viewed this episode, I thought about how horrible this scenario was, but then I thought what if technology has allowed us to back down from problems instead of handle them better?

According to CRA, in which the Wall Street Journal’s article it’s not u, displays the use of technology as a primary form of communication to end relationships. Has technology transformed our image of interpersonal communication; and if so, is it for the better?

While texting, e-mailing and other forms of up to date technology might be useful; does it truly serve a purpose for that one special person that means more to you than your iPod?

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