Grille Works Replaces Sushic

Sushic sushi bar was relocated from South Paw to Paw Print and was replaced with a new, more American, style food option.

The students and Aramark wanted a “meal equivalency option,” so after some careful consideration, Aramark decided upon Grille Works, officials said.

“Eighty-five percent of sushi sales came out of coolersà so (the Sushic owner) just sticks all of her products in those and she more or less has the exact same sales,” the manager of South Paw said. “The Grille has more than doubled their sales.”

Avery Kelley, sophomore feels that it was an improvement that Grille Works offered meal plans.

“Before, it was just Old Main and Tortilla Frescaà personally, I got sick of Tortilla Fresca just being in the art buildings all day and having nowhere else to use my meal plan,” he said.

Jul Wanczyk, the manager of Nia and Jul, runs the Huntsville branch of Sushic. After Sushic’s relocation, the school had informed Wancyzk that it was temporary and there were plans for expansion.

“They plan to make another food court and then put the sushi by there,” Wancyzk said. “They are going to build the new building soon. I am not sure about it, but it’s going to be soon.”

According to Wancyzk, the expansion is scheduled to take place within one to two years.

Currently, Sushic does not have a storefront. All of the products are prepared daily in the second-floor kitchen of the Lowman Student Center and distributed throughout campus in coolers. The sushi is primarily located at South Paw and the first floor of the LSC. The products can also be purchased at the PODs (Provisions on Demand).

Sushic is a sushi chain that started as the first Japanese restaurant in Texas in 1962. Eventually, Sushic branched off and had their first kiosk in 2002 which developed into over 200 locations in 2013.

Tortilla Fresca and Subway are still located in the same locations after the summer change-up.

Sushic gives out samples on the first floor LSC from 11am û 1:30pm.

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