Two years ago as a freshman at Sam Houston State University, I was sitting in Dr. Karen Lee’s “Writing for Mass Media” class when she said that if someone from our class would volunteer to start writing for The Houstonian, she would cancel class the Friday before Spring Break. Everyone looked around at each other hopeful that someone would sacrifice themselves for the sake of the class. Like any student, I looked forward to any chance I could get to miss class—especially a Friday class. When no one else did, I raised my hand.
One hundred twenty-five articles and three positions later, here I am.
Today will be the last day my name will appear in the staff box of this publication which has served so many purposes in my life over the last two years—a place of work, laughter, arguments, learning and above all, friendship. Through every long day and late night spent in the office, be it putting out a paper, working on a project or just trying to catch some sleep in between classes, I wouldn’t trade the last two years spent in that cluttered office for anything. Although my decision to leave is bittersweet, I know I am doing what’s in my best interest.
The Houstonian has presented me with opportunities that I would not have received otherwise and for that I am forever grateful. Throughout my tenure I have met political figureheads, learned the ramifications cancer and wartime can impose on a person and have been humbled and honored to speak with close friends and family members just hours after they’ve lost a loved one. I have written hard-hitting breaking news pieces chasing emergency vehicles, lengthy features which serve as a vessel through which others may share their stories and even publicly proclaimed my own battle with mental illness for the very first time.
Although I still have another year left until graduation, my love for writing will never fade. Just this week I accepted an internship with Community Impact Newspaper for the summer and from there, who knows what my future may hold. All that I know is that I’m excited to find out. I could begin naming everyone who has helped me along the way right now, but I’m not very good at goodbyes and let’s be honest, brevity is not my forte. So I will leave it at that. Regardless of your opinion of The Houstonian or media outlets in general, always keep in mind that “the job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” I feel that over the last two years, I have done my very best to convey that with my writing.
So here it goes: so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.