Halloween is right around the corner and I bet everyone is discussing and setting up plans for the BIG night. Either going to a local party or going to another city to celebrate, someone’s planning something fun! Halloween night will be filled with fun events. However, Halloween will be on a Saturday which means parties with the possibility of a lot of drinking.
I’m not a big “partying” type of person and I’m pretty sure there are people out there just like me. I’ll probably stay in the house and either cook a good dinner, catch a movie, or stay home and watch the Lifetime Movie Network channel, but if you want to go out, here are some fun things in town.
The City of Huntsville Main Street Program will be holding ‘Scare on the Square’ on Saturday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at The Walker County Storm Shelter. There will be a plethora of booths filled with fun activities, from fun candy filled games to vendors. There will be an entry fee of $1, and if you’re not a fan of waiting in line, you will be able to also purchase a wristband for entry this week in their office at 1203 University Avenue. Not bad, right? There will also be raffle tickets for sale at the event, tickets ranging from $1 to $5 for prizes and packages giving a total value of almost $2,000 worth of great prizes!
I have never attended Scare on the Square so this year will be my first year doing something on Halloween and I really look forward to attending this event. Not only is the entrance fee not much, but it’s just right down the road which is very convenient for every college student. So if you’re interested in attending this event, then come on out, and enjoy yourself! For more information regarding Scare on the Square, please visit Huntsville Main Street program’s website at www.huntsvillemainstreet.com.
The Walker County Fair Association is also holding their 20th Halloween Carnival at the Fairgrounds. If anyone has heard of the Fairgrounds, then you know it’s a great place to hold events. There is no gate admission, but tickets will be sold to be used for food and rides. The carnival will have great food, games, and rides. There will be a costume contest and cash awards given to the winners. There will also be a fireworks show at the end of the night! From meeting a ton of new people, enjoying the great food and rides, to seeing everyone’s awesome costumes, this event is sure to be one for the books! The event will take place from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Walker County Fairgrounds, for more information regarding this event one can visit the WCFA’s website at www.walkercountyfair.com.
If you’re not interested in the Scare on the Square or the 20th Halloween Carnival event, then the Hallelujah party is there for you. You’ll meet a lot of people, but most importantly, you’ll have a great time. Last, but certainly not least, the Family Faith Church will be holding a Hallelujah Party starting at 6 p.m. It is free admission, college students love the word free, don’t we? The event will have a great number of carnival game booths, live entertainment, and loads of candy! The church is located at 2407 Sam Houston Ave., across from HEB.
If you want to attend one of these events, do that! If you want to attend all of these events, then do that! Note that having a safe and fun Halloween night isn’t limited to these few options, and it doesn’t always have to include drinking, so have fun, but above all be safe!