My spring break was incredible, it was awesome and it was life changing. It was an experience I couldn’t even imagine I would have. I went to San Antonio during my break, and no I did not go to a hotel or “party it up” at a club in downtown. Instead, I partnered up with this amazing ministry called AGORA ministries. I went there and had a blast. I did many community service outreach programs, I made lunch for the homeless and danced in front of the Alamo! For one of the events my team and I took these big piles of mulch and we had to run them back and forth to this park in San Antonio. I never got so tired carrying wheelbarrows in my life! In fact, I never handled a wheelbarrow for anything before. Yet even though I was tired beyond measure, I found myself having fun. I found myself having fun serving this community, which wasn’t even my community to begin with.
Before this spring break trip I never even heard of AGORA or the Westside part of San Antonio. I was giving back to what was not mine. It’s something about that. Giving back to what is not even yours. Overtime the more you do this I learned that something happens in your heart. You begin to love a place. The well-known quote “Rome was loved because she was beautiful, she was beautiful because she was loved,” isn’t just a cool saying but a practical way of life. I partnered up with this ministry that just gave love out freely with no condition or terms required. They gave love to San Antonio and to anybody who walked in the streets.
Another event I got to be a part of is a children outreach. For this event my team and I went to the government supported projects and went from door to door inviting kids to come out and play sports, eat snacks and interact with all of us. Following a game of red light, green light, my team and I put on a story for the kids interacting a famous biblical story. It was incredible to see the kids responsive to the questions we asked them after the story. I never thought I would have so much fun hanging around kids. They loved us so much that when we returned the following day to deliver flyers, they began to chase us down the street like the Ice Cream truck! I had the best spring break of my life so far. I can only hope that yours was the same.