This week’s ‘Who’s that Kat?’ for Oct. 4, 2017 features senior chaser Kayla Brown and freshman beater Collin Brown, members of the SHSU Quidditch program.
They have both been playing Quidditch for about one month. Kayla found out about the sport because her roommate’s boyfriend plays, and she immediately brought her brother, Collin, out to a practice.
“I immediately fell in love with it,” Collin said.
They were both surprised at the athleticism required and the physical intensity involved with the game. Saturday was their first game, and they really enjoyed the competition.
“I liked it a lot better than practice,” Kayla said.
When they have free time away from the Quidditch pitch, Kayla enjoys any athletic activities. She enjoys any activity where she can be outside and be active. Collin enjoys hunting and playing sports.