Let’s get caught up.
In season one, “The Flash” ran according to the comic book plot and aimed to create superb villains. Although the show stars Barry Allen and not the original alter ego, Jay Gerick, it still did a great job sticking with the more famous of two speedsters and committing to a direction. The main characters developed from the first season on are some of the best on television. From
Barry Allen to the members of “Team Flash”, they all have great relationships with one another and are staples to the series.
The second season introduced viewers to the multiverse of the idea that there are multiple planet Earth’s in the universe, not just the one we inhabit. This expanded the narrative scope in interesting ways while continuing the shows momentum.
The third season premiere sped up after last season’s finale cliff hanger. As the season progressed, it slowly lost its speed and became a depressing show. Season three lost its charm and quirkiness it had in the previous seasons and traded it for more introspection and thought.
Season 4 has now started airing and attempts to reignite what it used to be, the happy go lucky speed and wit.
The first episode of the new season brought back the show to its roots. Although the show has some minor problems with its story arc, the introduction to this season’s villain was an unexpected welcome. The premiere sets the tone for the rest of the season, a characteristic that fans have been waiting for.
With “The Flash” being on CW with other DC comic shows, the show is able to perform crossover episodes with other superhero shows such as the “Arrow”, “Super Girl” and “DC Legends of Tomorrow”. Crossover episodes are able to work well since viewers of other shows won’t need to understand or have seen other superhero’s backgrounds to understand the overall plot.
The best thing about the show is that viewers who have no comic book knowledge can watch this show and become immersed in the world of heroes and villains. With “The Flash” returning for its fourth season it’s not too late to start binge watching the show. “The Flash” seasons one through three are available on Netflix. To keep up with this season of The Flash, new episodes are available to stream the day after it airs on the CW app.