Several students have expressed their concerns regarding the Lowman Student Center Paw Print closure due to expansion and renovations.
With the news that the LSC will close its food vendors after March 9, students are wondering where their meals will come from and if their Bearkat Bucks will go to waste.
Paw Print employees that rely on these restaurants are wondering what will happen to their jobs. According to Aramark Resident District Manager Brad Blackburn, if food trucks are brought to campus during the time frame of the closure, students will be employed to operate them.
“We will place all current employees in other operations to handle the business as it shifts to other operations,” Blackburn said.
Once the LSC food court reopens in the fall, employees will be put back to work in their respective areas or trained in new positions.
According to Blackburn, the LSC expansion and renovation will bring several new job opportunities to SHSU for students and others who are looking for jobs on campus.
“The demand for new employees will be significant versus current operations,” Blackburn said. “With several of the new brands coming on board, we would love to get more students to apply. We will start the hiring process for all positions before school is out. We will be hiring everything from cashiers, cooks to bartenders and servers.”
The new food vendors and food trucks will take Bearkat Bucks as well, so student will not be losing any of their credits that they have paid for.
Students that are interested in working on campus for Aramark can apply here