Everyone is entitled to their opinion— even Chick-fil-A.
In recent news, Chick-fil-A was reported to have donated to anti-LGBTQ+ organizations. This news erupted throughout the LGBTQ+ communities, the Allies, and even the San Antonio and Buffalo, NY airports. The airports, in their efforts to fight against the actions of the known Christian-based fast-food chain, tried to ban the restaurant in their establishments. While I commend the airports for making efforts to stand against anti-LGBTQ+ supporters, it is wrong to exclude someone for their beliefs or for whom they choose to support. Putting individuals that work at the airport locations out of a job because of the company’s beliefs is unfair, too.
For the record, I am a proud supporter of both the LGBTQ+ community and Chick-fil-A. For that reason, I’m urging everyone to continue enjoying the refreshing lemonade and chicken sandwiches.
Christian faith believes in values that support heterosexual relationships and discourage same-sex relationships. The company’s CEO has made it aware that he is opposed to same-sex marriages, as well. However, not every employee that works within the company has the same beliefs as the founders and CEO. Whether they do or not isn’t necessarily something that we need to worry about. We are all entitled to our beliefs, religion and thoughts.
In comparison, Chipotle is a known supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. They are frequent sponsors of Pride festivals, workshops and even advertisements. When Chipotle first came out as supporters, there was backlash— especially by anti-LGBTQ+ supporters. Soon after, it didn’t matter anymore. Countless people eat Chipotle every day without complaining to the cashier about the company’s stance on social and political issues.
Regardless of whether Chick-fil-A is right or wrong for supporting anti-LGBTQ+ organizations, there shouldn’t be bans or exclusions of the restaurant in cities or airports. There is a reason that we have rights, and Chick-fil-A has these same rights. The first amendment was created for everyone in the United States— not just for people that we pick and choose as a society.
We were all created equal. The world that we live in has enough hate as it is. Why should we be fighting over what to eat for lunch? Respecting everyone’s opinions would end so many pointless arguments. There is no need to ban or boycott restaurants based on what one CEO, board or employee believes because the person taking your order probably doesn’t even care.
Ty • May 13, 2019 at 11:43 am
“We were all created equal.” Chik-fil-a’s CEO specifically lobbies against this idea and spends money to ensure that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t get the same rights as heterosexuals. Any repercussions a company suffers from actively lobbying against human rights are earned. This sort of “who cares” attitude is awfully convenient for heterosexuals to throw around because their livelihood rarely hangs in the balance.
Ty • May 13, 2019 at 11:43 am
“We were all created equal.” Chik-fil-a’s CEO specifically lobbies against this idea and spends money to ensure that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t get the same rights as heterosexuals. Any repercussions a company suffers from actively lobbying against human rights are earned. This sort of “who cares” attitude is awfully convenient for heterosexuals to throw around because their livelihood rarely hangs in the balance.
Ty • May 13, 2019 at 11:43 am
“We were all created equal.” Chik-fil-a’s CEO specifically lobbies against this idea and spends money to ensure that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t get the same rights as heterosexuals. Any repercussions a company suffers from actively lobbying against human rights are earned. This sort of “who cares” attitude is awfully convenient for heterosexuals to throw around because their livelihood rarely hangs in the balance.
Ty • May 13, 2019 at 11:43 am
“We were all created equal.” Chik-fil-a’s CEO specifically lobbies against this idea and spends money to ensure that the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t get the same rights as heterosexuals. Any repercussions a company suffers from actively lobbying against human rights are earned. This sort of “who cares” attitude is awfully convenient for heterosexuals to throw around because their livelihood rarely hangs in the balance.