Regardless of how much we love our families and friends, Thanksgiving can be frustrating.
This is especially true when you’re stressed out about trying to finish out the semester strong. This is a quick guide to surviving the more exasperating aspects of the holiday.
My first tip is one that should be obvious. Don’t talk religion or politics at the dinner table.
If you’re like me and have differing political views than a good portion of your family, then it might be difficult not to get involved, but just don’t do it. I know the “OK boomer” meme is very popular right now, but saying that to your grandfather at Thanksgiving dinner isn’t a good idea, no matter how much watching the parade with him might bore you.
My second tip is to at least pretend you like football. Even if you hate the sport, find some reason to get invested in the game.
Even if you’re not into sports, it’s a good way to bond with certain members of your family. You can use this as a chance to spend time with them while they watch the game.
If they aren’t cheering for one of the teams that are playing, you can find some way to determine what team to get invested in, even if it’s just rooting for the team that has colors you like more.
My third tip is to not eat too much. I know that’s one of the big aspects of Thanksgiving, but there’s no way to enjoy the festivities if you’re falling asleep.
So, you should of course fill up on turkey and sides, but don’t eat too much otherwise you’ll be falling asleep on the couch instead of spending time with family and friends.
The last sentence is a great transition (see, this is why I’m a journalism major) into my final and most important point. Just enjoy being around your family and friends.
I know with finals looming and mixing with the stress of end of the semester work being piled on, it can be difficult to relax and enjoy yourself. However, as somebody who only has one family member who lives in Texas, I can tell you that you should cherish the time with your entire family, even if they can drive you crazy at times.