On Tuesday around 6 p.m., KatSafe sent out a release including further information about the Piney Woods incident, giving more detail into the delay of the report and a potential weapon used during the shooting.
They believe the shooting occurred between 2 and 2:30 a.m. Dec. 7.
The Sam Houston State University Police Department was not called to the scene until around 3 p.m. later that day.
The reason the incident was not reported immediately was because “Individuals reported hearing a loud noise consistent with a vehicle backfiring and not a gun shot and therefore, did not contact law enforcement,” according to the release.
It appeared no bullets penetrated the the exterior wall during the incident and no injuries were reported.
The release stated that during their initial investigation, an officer concluded that the damage was consistent with a shotgun using a round, possibly a birdshot.
A birdshot is the smallest type of shotgun pellets, typically used by hunters trying to target birds or other flying wildlife, according to rem870.com.
Small steel or lead spheres scatter outward from the shotgun once it is fired, creating a scattered pattern similar to the one seen on the side of Piney Woods Hall.
Since the shooting, investigators have been canvassing Piney Woods Hall and the immediate area looking for witnesses.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact UPD at 936-294-1800. UPD also has a Silent Witness Program for those who want to report anonymously.