“Jersey Boys” is a musical biography of Frankie Valli and his 1960’s rock group, The Four Seasons. This documentary-style production recounts the success and challenges of the band both in and out of the spotlight.
Connor Lyon, graduate of Sam Houston State University with a B.F.A. in Musical Theatre, landed the roles of Lorraine and others in the musical’s 2019-2020 tour.
“It was so crazy because I actually had a dream about three weeks after the full audition process that I got the part of Lorraine,” Lyon said. “I woke up the very next morning to an email that said I got it!”
The character of Lorraine was abnormal in the context of the play and the era in which it is set. As an independent, intelligent and educated woman, a reporter and one of the few characters not originally from Jersey, she always knew what she wanted and went after it. While she may not have been looking for love, finding it along the way only made life that much sweeter.
Lyon saw a lot of Lorraine in herself already, yet she considered herself lucky to have role models in her life that she could draw upon to convey Lorraine’s character.
“My mom has been in business since the ‘80s, climbing the ranks until she became president of the company,” Lyon said. “I thought I would try to channel her, stand my ground like she did, fighting to be a woman in a man’s world.”
Having started singing at six years old, Lyon always knew she would one day be a performer, but she did not know what kind until her first trip to New York City at 13 years old. The vibrant energy and culture of Broadway sparked her drive to be a part of something bigger than herself.
Since then, she has dedicated her life to her craft. After graduating from the B.F.A. program, she moved to New York to snag the best job opportunities available.
Although she regretted moving so far away from her family, she believes her sacrifices have been worth it. Lyon has been on tour since October 2019, stopping in 20 states plus Canada and Mexico.
“Making a living singing and dancing, I kind of feel like I never go to work,” Lyon said. “It’s a dream come true.”
“Jersey Boys” will be at The Hobby Center in Houston from Feb. 7-9.