With Sam Houston’s statue standing tall at the entrance of Huntsville, the city is preparing to have more historical figures be honored with the Presidents Park. The park is expected to bring a lot of tourist attraction to the city with the location next to the H.E.A.R.T.S Veterans Museum.
“The land is available and it was a great way to showcase the commander-in-chief, the president’s role in the military and his role in the history of the United States,” museum Executive Director Tara Burnett said.
David Adickes is the artist who created the presidents’ busts and other art pieces that grace the town of Huntsville. Adickes created presidential busts for two different parks in South Dakota and Virginia that have since closed down.
“It’s going to be a national tourist attraction,” Burnett said. “It is one-of-a-kind being that there is nothing else like it in the United States. It will greatly increase the tourism in Huntsville.”
The first phase of completing the Presidents Park will begin in the next 85 days. This includes transporting the presidential busts from Adickes’s studio in Houston to Huntsville. The museum has not set a completion day for the project.