Elevate, Student Affairs and the Provost’s office will welcome suicide prevention speaker, world-renowned mental health advocate and author Kevin Hines to the Lowman Student Center Orange Ballroom on Feb. 12 at 2 p.m.
At the age of 19 Hines attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He survived the jump and was given a second chance that less than 1% of people have been given.
Director of the Student Health Center Erica Bumpurs said the significance of Hines’ story is its multiple emotional components.
“It is real,” Bumpurs said. “It is tragic and magnificent at the same time. He delivers it in a way that is beyond memorable. He truly wants to help others that is his dedicated mission in life.”
Hines directed a popular documentary that tells his story called “Suicide: The Ripple Effect.” Sam Houston State University held a screening of the documentary last fall, but Bumpurs said that was just the beginning.
“We were happy with the attendance of the screening but that was just a drop in the bucket,” Bumpurs said. “To hear from him in person is an experience that will have a lasting impact. I want the room to be full and overflowing.”
Hines travels the world spreading positivity by sharing his experiences and holding motivational speaking events.
Bumpurs said she hopes that the event inspires the campus and community to feel more comfortable discussing mental health.
“[I hope attendees gain] multiple things,” Bumpurs said. “A comfort level with the topic that moves us towards reaching out to those that need help, a personal impact to notice when others might need help and an effect of reduced suicidal ideations, suicide attempts and other harmful behaviors that we can provide intervention for.”
Hines’ motto is #BeHereTomorrow, a message that he shares through his unlikely story of survival.
Bumpurs said that suicide is a major topic on campus.
“Specific to SHSU what I can share is that suicide attempts are a prevalent discussion in our Students of Concern committee and in 2018-2019, our campus did experience the tragedy of students that committed suicide,” Bumpurs said. “We want to make a difference in this.”
The event is free for SHSU students, faculty and staff. For more information contact elevate@shsu.edu.