With a stay-at-home order in place, many businesses have closed until the coronavirus pandemic ends. Since completely closing down is not an option for animal shelters, they are making other arrangements.
According to executive director of the Rita B. Huff Humane Society of Walker County Lori Toliver, there are about 60 animals still waiting to find a home.
The shelter and clinic closed their facility to visitors, but still work diligently to help find homes for the animals by holding adoption appointments in more restricted areas in their buildings.
“As far as someone just stopping in to look at our pets, that’s not going on anymore, so appointments have to be made so we can kind of control who’s in the lobby at the same time,” Toliver said.
With the help of their website, people wanting to adopt can look at all the animals available for adoption before scheduling an appointment. Toliver explained that this helps minimize time spent getting all the animals out if people know which pets they are interested in beforehand.
Adopting a pet at this time could be beneficial to those facing self-isolation as the pandemic continues.
“They are stuck at home and in self-quarantine, and if they had a pet dog or cat at least they would have something to keep them company,” Toliver said.
Anyone interested in adopting a pet at the Rita B. Huff Humane Society of Walker County can view the animals through their online resources.