All over the country, restaurants have either closed their doors or switched to delivery services to keep their businesses running while the coronavirus pandemic continues.
On the local level, the Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce offers an updated list of what each restaurants’ choice was during this time, which can be found here.
Ray Hernandez, president and CEO of Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce, explained that none of the restaurants contacted by the chamber in Huntsville have decided to close permanently at this time.
“They are certainly challenged during this time with the pandemic, and the safeguards that are put in place, they have taken steps to address those issues,” Hernandez said. “[Restaurants] are cutting back on their hours or when they’re open, some are cutting back on some of their menu offerings, some are cutting back on the number of people they employ and some of them have changed their format.”
Restaurants like the Farmhouse Cafe have created drive-thru areas for customers to place orders and pick up food.
Local restaurants that are closing their doors for the time being include 1836 Steakhouse, City Hall Cafe & Pie Bar and The Best Box Ever Bakery.
“We hope that they won’t have to endure this for months to come, but I think all in all, when you take into consideration that some businesses have lost 60-75% of their business, their outlook, their commitment to prospering and nurturing and saving their dream remains pretty solid,” Hernandez said. “It doesn’t mean that it’s not a challenging time, it doesn’t mean that people are not worried, but I think all in all, the majority have an open mind and open outlook to their future.”
To see all of the chamber’s COVID-19 resources, click here.