My fellow Bearkats,
We find ourselves a month into this fall semester. September has been filled with making new friends, joining new organizations and falling into the routine of class. While October is filled with labs, papers and midterms, your student government is here to help bring some life and excitement as the weather starts to turn. Homecoming is less than two weeks away, and while we worry about the details of the Homecoming election, you should all enjoy the events with all the homecoming candidates. This month is filled with excitement including the Homecoming Parade, Fire Fest and Student Government Association’s first annual Great Bearkat Carve Off.
Beyond the demands of class and the excitement of October, your SGA is unveiling our next policy initiative. Before we realize it, November will be here and we will all be asked to do our civic duty by voting Nov. 4. Elections, whether they are local, state or federal, have a massive impact on our lives. Even if you hate politics and wish to avoid it at all costs, this is the one time to pay a bit of attention. The selection of qualified and competent leaders can change everything about our lives. SGA wishes to make this easier on you all. Whether you identify as Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or pirate, it is important that you help make the decision on the direction we go as a nation. Your Student Government will be providing you with non-partisan information from each candidate that may appear on a ballot in Huntsville. We will also be distributing factual information from the Political Science Department on voting itself. October 6 is the deadline to register and with only a week left there is no time to waste. If you need help registering, look online or visit SGA, Bearkat Democrats, College Republicans, NAACP, LULAC or the Department of Political Science for more information. I do not ask that you follow politics all year round or to even get heavily involved but only that you understand the choice before us all and to make an informed decision. If you focus on voting for who you think is best, we will take care of the rest. Your SGA is here for you and we look forward to representing your needs to all levels of government.
I look forward to seeing you all at the fun events throughout this coming month. Thank you and Eat ‘Em Up Kats!