On Feb. 2, the Huntsville Planning Division started their second round of “Huntsville City Council and Planning Commission” sessions highlighting the details of another Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee meeting (CPAC), an open house and workshop.
The sessions help stakeholders, residents, students and community organizations voice their opinions about any specific strengths or weaknesses of Huntsville. City planners utilize the sessions and CPAC meetings to update and accommodate rising concerns within the plan until 2040.
“The Comprehensive Plan update is proposed to run until 2040 with possibly another update coming in 10 years to see how we have progressed,” Huntsville city planner Armon Irones said.
Feedback gathered by the committee has shown what residents find top priority which includes more entertainment, more job opportunities, more recreation amenities, growth planning, protection of natural resources and infrastructure upgrades.
Currently, the Huntsville Economic Development office does not list any commercial development plans for entertainment businesses. Recreational development includes a new skate park and improved lighting in Eastham-Thomason Park, according to the Huntsville 2020-2021 annual budget book.
“Some negative feedback has been not a lot of things to do for families and young adults,” Irones said. “More restaurants needed, limited transportation options, at times a feeling of disconnect between the college and the city and more housing options needed on all levels.”
In 2019 the unemployment rate in Huntsville was at 7.6%, with the top job occupations in office and administrative support and sales, according to the Huntsville Community Profile.
Current bond and city building projects range from maintenance of sewers, water, fiber lines, the new fire and police station, updates to city council building and Huntsville’s service center.
For more information and comments on the city’s development project, “Huntsville 2040: Our Strategy and Mission,” the public can contact the city of Huntsville Planning Division at planningemail@huntsvilletx.gov or call (936) 294-5783.