Throughout history, women have left a mark on the world and even with all the accomplishments made, Women’s History Month is still sometimes forgotten.
For a long time, women were often written out of history or left out. This left a social disparity in textbooks in schools where women and women of color are excluded.
Women represent half our worlds’ population, yet in schools, students learn mostly about men.
In 2017, data was shared by the Smithsonian showing a disproportionate number of how women are included in historical textbooks compared to men. About one woman for every three men is mentioned in learning materials, according to the Smithsonian magazine.
Because women were left out of our history books, the importance of a Women’s History Month stands firmly. The portrayal of a woman should not be by how men see them, but by how women and girls see themselves.
A recent study displaying how gender bias in textbooks stunted the development of girls in grade school stated that gender bias, “undermines girls’ motivation, participation, and achievement in school,” according to the U.S. News & World Report. By honoring the history of women, girls can take more pride in their past.
For girls to learn about themselves shows that they matter, and a lack of women historical figures shows that their history does not matter.
Women’s History Month is a celebration. A time to never take for granted what women have done in society. Whether people seem to acknowledge it or not, HER-story is all around us.