Opened in 1889, Old Main was one of Sam Houston State University’s most iconic buildings, containing several beautiful stained glass windows dedicated to Sam Houston. Unfortunately, on Feb. 12, 1982, Old Main burned down and these works of art were lost.
Recently, the glass Pritchett window, named after the late fourth SHSU president Henry Carr Pritchett, was restored and put on display at the Lowman Student Center (LSC).
According to the vice president for Student Affairs Frank Parker, the glass Pritchett window was restored because it contained the university motto, “The measure of a Life is its Service.”
To restore the glasswork, the Director of Student Activities Brandon Cooper worked with Scottish Stained Glass company and SHSU library associate Barbara Kievit-Mason, for 11 months to accurately recreate the design, according to the TODAY@SAM website.
The end product was displayed and placed in the LSC on March 31, revealing what was once displayed in Old Main.
“I think it just truly means that one’s life is based off of one gives back, it’s what your life should be, giving back to others,” Cooper said when asked what the motto of the school meant to him. “I think the Bearkat community does an excellent job, from students, to faculty, to staff, to alumni, in truly embodying that.”
To view the restored stained glass window, visit the Lowman Student Center in the expanded part at the end of the hallway by room 242.