You never know what you are getting yourself into until you’ve already gotten into it. That’s how many student workers feel about their job sometimes. As a student worker there are many things that student employees have never dreamed of giving up for the sake of their job, but when it comes down to it, sacrifices have to be made. Something that many of us take for granted is time, and unfortunately for many of us who are employed it is one of the main things that we have to give up in order to keep our jobs and continue to make the money that we need. While many tend to look upon the holidays with great joy and excitement, those of us who are employed at places that stay open during the holidays slowly start to feel with dread as our holiday schedules are released because no one ever wants to be working on Thanksgiving.
If you are a student and you are scheduled to work through the Thanksgiving break, then you are currently getting a small dose of the real world experience when it comes to work force. From on campus to off campus, there are many jobs that stay open during the holidays and require employees to work. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, students are beginning to learn that unfortunately we are not always to able to go home and spend those days with our loved ones for the sake of our jobs. To those who have to work during the holiday season I sympathize with you. As a student worker myself, I never expected to have to give up my nights out, being readily available to assist at any given time, or schedule myself to work through the Thanksgiving holiday. So this Thanksgiving, I will give thanks to my job for giving me the opportunity to make my first Thanksgiving meal for myself.
As a student worker I have mixed feelings regarding working this Thanksgiving. While I understand that I did volunteer to work this day, it is still unfortunate that I won’t be able to see my family and friends, but at the same time if I didn’t work these days then who would? You can either step up to the plate or get replaced which is probably one of the hardest things to decide. During this point of our lives as student workers, it’s important to have and keep your job. You want to build your resume, make good connections, or even pay your tuition as you are going through school. It’s important to remember that although you are missing out on this holiday with loved ones, you are still playing a large role in making other people’s holidays great. You are the person who helps create experiences for others, like a behind the scenes person. I think we I make these types of sacrifices because it pays off in the long run and it’s always nice to be there to help others.
Not all stores remain open all day, some are just open half days or they open during the evening so that its workers are able to still have their Thanksgiving dinner or rather lunch with their family and loved ones and still partake in their traditions at home. One prime example is everyone’s beloved shopping trip on Black Friday, few people truly know the preparation that lies behind those great sales. Many stores and places that take part in the Black Friday sales require their employees to work either the afternoon or night of Thanksgiving to help prepare for the mad rush of Black Friday customers. Some stores plan to open on Thanksgiving Day! Many stores don’t participate in Black Friday, however they still remain open on Thanksgiving Day for everyone’s convenience in case you forgot to grab an extra can of green beans or another pack of napkins before your family arrives.
As much as we respect and appreciate those who give up their holiday in order to be there for those of us who are forgetful or wait until the last minute to shop, many people forget that these workers are giving up their break to be there and keep their stores open so that we can grab those last minute, forgotten items. Be sure to take the time out to thank your fellow Bearkats who will be on the clock this holiday in order to ensure that your Thanksgiving is one to remember.