Naughty Dog is considering making a sequel to “The Last of Us,” the video game studio’s critically acclaimed apocalyptic-survival game, according to Eurogamer.
Neil Druckmann, writer and creative director at Naughty Dog, said that the company is weighing their options of either doing a sequel or creating a brand new IP:
“We have started brainstorming some stuff. To be honest, some of them are sequel ideas, and some of them are brand new IP – we’ve spent the last few weeks brainstorming new IP. So we have to get some good steps and see… It’s kind of like how we approached Left Behind. Can we tell people a story that’s really worth telling, and that’s not repeating itself? And if we can’t, where can we get inspired – what is something that’s really going to challenge us, and push storytelling in this medium forward?”
Within the first three weeks of its release, “The Last of Us” sold 3.4 million copies worldwide; a staggering number considering it is a PlayStation 3 exclusive title.
“The Last of Us” also won The Academy of Arts and Sciences’ Game of the Year award at their annual D.I.C.E. video game summit on Feb. 6, along with nine other awards.
The team at Naughty Dog has just finished their work on a story add-on for “The Last of Us” titled “Left Behind,” which is set to release on Valentine’s Day, and is looking forward to a bit of a break:
“We just wrapped up Left Behind, and Bruce Straley, the game director, and I have been doing this for over four years now. So it’s just time for a break, and to recharge the batteries,” Druckmann said.
Naughty Dog now has two separate teams working internally, with the other team working on the first PlayStation 4 installment of their hit series “Uncharted.”
Both “The Last of Us” and the “Uncharted” series have scored well with reviewers all over the internet, with “The Last of Us” averaging a score of 95 out of 100 on Metacritic, while the PlayStation 3 “Uncharted” titles have an average score of 92.
Judging by Naughty Dog’s past titles, their next game will be of high quality whether or not it is a sequel to “The Last of Us.”
For those that are hoping for a sequel, you can read Arcade Sushi’s wish list right here and see if you agree.