Everyone notices the glow of a mother during childbirth. Through the weeks she becomes bigger and bigger until she looks as if she’s going to bust. Everyone gets a chance to witness those physical changes from the first announcement to the baby shower. They see a beautiful healthy baby but never get a chance to witness what happens behind the scenes.
The moment a mother takes her child home, a new life surfaces for that family. Some mothers struggle, sometimes due to finical issues. Some succeed naturally possibly accredited to outstanding preparation. However there are those that fall between the cracks emotionally. This is called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is when a mother suffers emotionally following childbirth. This is usually caused by hormonal changes and the psychological adjustment to motherhood.
My sister is pregnant now and I would never want her to suffer from depression. This is the time in her life to love life and be in love with what she and her husband produced. A lot of this is caused by the dramatic drop in hormones, I know when my body changes I begin to feel sick and I mentally shut down due to my physical self being out of whack. For example when children do not get enough sleep they conform to temper tantrums. That in turn causes you to have various emotional issues. Having not had enough sleep, you can become sleep deprived leading you into being on edge about everything. You cannot think straight therefore your decision-making skills become subpar to what they usually are. You become extremely anxious and your anxiety for caring for your newborn peaks.
A huge cause of postpartum depression is that person that you see in the mirror is not the person you identify with. You do not look the same to yourself and you feel way less attractive then you did before you had the baby. You feel like you’ve lost full control of your life.
You haven’t though; you’ve gained another person that you should instill morals and values in. You’ve gained a lot more than you have lost. It’s also up to the husband, boyfriend, significant other or family member to remind you that you are the same person. You are as strong as you can be because you are a mother and this world would be nothing without mothers.
Statics show that 11 to 20 percent of women get these symptoms of postpartum. On average 15 percent of four million live births in the United States, which would mean that, an estimated amount of 600,000 women get postpartum depression. Again, there are various risks in postpartum, one like I stated earlier is family, friends, and partner support. This also causes high stress levels and I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen your mom get mad but its best that she’s happy 100 percent of the time. Some mothers just have it depending on the way their childbirth went, the physical limitations to someone who works out every day could internally kill them. Another is actually being depressed during pregnancy and all of these risk factors could be causes of that. It’s very important to uplift mothers during those long nine months as well as keep them going for the rest of their beautiful child’s life.