A star-studded comedy show rocked Johnson Coliseum on Monday. Host of MTV’s Wild N’ Out Nick Cannon, Nicole Byer of “Girl Code” and Rip Michaels of “Wild ‘N Out,” headlined the show. They filled the stadium with thousands of Bearkats seeking a good laugh before classes began.
The show started with Michaels opening for Byer. Michaels joked about music, race and women. Michaels is most famous for his role in MTV’s “Wild ‘N Out,” a show starring Nick Cannon. Michaels has featured on various comedy shows such as HBO’s “P. Diddy Bad Boys of Comedy,” Jamie Fox’s “Laffapoolza,” and Oxygen’s “Living with Funny.”
Next to the stage was Byer. She was arguably the biggest hit of the night.
Byer received the longest and loudest laughs, especially from lady Bearkats. She joked about sex, weight, dating, Tinder and the struggle of being a rising star. Byer is a regular of MTV’s “Guy Code,” and “Girl Code.” Byer also stars in the feature film comedy, “Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates,” and has two lead roles on MTV in, “Ladylike,” and “Loosely Exactly Nicole,” which is roughly based on her life.
Finally, Cannon rocked the house. Cannon was by far one of the most famous stars to come to SHSU. Many Bearkats grew up with him as the face of Nickelodeon. Cannon also worked in feature films, such as “Drumline,” in 2002. He is also famous for his marriage and divorce to pop singer Mariah Carey.
Recently, Cannon was relieved of his hosting job at America’s Got Talent for a rather controversial joke in his standup special. Cannon tackled race in his performance, but also praised the diversity of SHSU. He discussed how SHSU and similar schools and the millennial generation could help end racism. Cannon made the most controversial jokes of the night, but also showed the SHSU student body why he is such a successful comedian.
At the conclusion of the show, Cannon and Michaels announced that they are lowering ticket prices for their “Wild N’ Out,” show at NRG to $20 for SHSU students. With an audience of well over 1,000, the Kat Comedy Showcase was no doubt a success and a good omen for the upcoming school year.
The show was just one of the many events for Welcome Week. Some notable upcoming events include Party in the Pit, Panhellenic Recruitment, The Lavender Mixer, The Bearkat Picnic and the football game this Sunday at 6 p.m