A rule change surrounding Cinemark’s bag policy recently went viral among frequent movie-goers. With the popular theater chain banning big bags, many Huntsville residents have been wondering if their own local Cinestar of Huntsville theatre will follow suit.
“We haven’t heard anything about it, but we don’t really like to have backpacks in,” Cinestar Manager Chelsea Senaski said. “We have had to ask people to leave their backpacks in their car because of safety issues, but we are not super strict about it.”
Cinemark states that any bag or packages measuring larger than 12“x 12” x 6” will not be allowed inside the theater unless a medical or diaper bag. The theater company has explained that the primary reason for this policy change is safety, but customers have questioned the franchises motives.
“This new law is not really protecting anybody,” sophomore forensic chemistry major Desiree Stoker said. Stoker attended a movie over Spring Break and had to put her purse back in her car because it did not meet the size requirements. “People can’t try and sneak in snacks anymore, but that doesn’t mean just because you have a smaller purse people are not going to do anything. This world is crazy. [The policy] is useless because I paid for this big purse, and now I can’t even wear it at the movies.”
According to Senaski, she is understanding of the policy, but it is not in effect right now at Cinestar.
“I understand the whole banning big bags because we don’t allow outside food or drinks, and a lot of people do sneak in food which is bad for our business,” Senaski said. “Nobody has talked to us about this because we are not affiliated with Cinemark. We’re individually owned, but this would be something we would definitely be interested in.”