All Sam Houston State University courses will transition from face-to-face to remote delivery in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This conversion begins March 23 and will continue through the end of the Spring 2020 semester.
The College of Arts and Media offered information on what to expect in the coming months. However, this information is subject to change, and students should check Blackboard and their SHSU email often for updates.
The Art Complex will remain open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for students who need to pick up artwork or supplies. Studios and labs are unavailable for use, and students should plan to work from home. Professors will contact students with instructions about how to complete coursework for the semester.
The University Art Gallery and the Juried Student Show will take place as scheduled, and awards will be announced via email in the coming weeks. Scholarship deadlines and the BFA Portfolio Review scheduled for Friday, March 20 have been postponed. New dates and instructions for submitting portfolios are pending. All receptions, jurors’ speeches and the New York art trip have been canceled.
The on-site Summer Dance Intensive Audition on March 28 and the on-site BFA Audition on April 3 have been canceled, but students may still audition via video. All BFA audition forms and videos must be submitted to Associate Chair, Andy Noble, by May 1. The department will inform students of their audition status within a week. All remaining auditions and performances have been canceled.
Department of Mass Communication:
Lecture courses can be converted digitally via Zoom or YouTube. The equipment room and studios are closed for the semester, so production classes will have to adjust to using their own equipment, cell phones or webcams to complete assignments . The Houstonian will cease to publish in print but will post weekly online material.
Department of Theatre and Musical Theatre:
Every course has been converted to a digital format. Many are taking a more theoretical approach, while others allow students to film their performances to submit online. Professors will contact students with more information.
The on-site theatre scholarship audition scheduled for March 28 has been changed so that students will now submit a digital portfolio in place of an in-person audition. All remaining performances have been canceled. Studios and practice rooms are unavailable for use. Students who stored supplies on campus may contact the office to collect their things, though some spaces may be inaccessible if they are under quarantine.
All performances have been canceled. The entrance auditions scheduled for March 21 and April 13 are subject to change . The Houstonian has reached out for more information about how the School of Music will proceed this semester and will update with any responses.