As Homecoming creeps closer, preparations for the crowning of King and Queen are in full swing.
Student Government Association approved the budget for a few homecoming must-haves Tuesday, like the tiara, crown, sashes, scepter and King and Queen pin set. To cover all the items and allow for some financial leeway to cover unexpected costs like shipping or taxation, the budget is not to exceed $200.
In order for the orders to be placed, SGA must go through a bureaucratic process.
In the simplest of terms, first, the homecoming committee agrees on what should be ordered. Next, the president (or vice president, if the president is absent) and the treasurer compile a budget for the needed items and present it to the senate. If the budget is passed and approved by Phyllis Barrett, administrative coordinator for the dean of students, SGA places the order.
SGA Treasurer Samuel Iredia, whose responsibilities include keeping an accurate record of all transactions wanting to be placed by members of SGA, signing off on the budget and overseeing the placement of the orders, explains what happens if the amount of money needed exceeds the predicted budget.
“SGA has a reserved budget called the [senate] discretionary which has money in the case of any unforeseen expenses that need to be allocated to any department, which will [then] be motioned and approved by the voting members, of course,” Iredia said. “[However,] we have increased the budget for the homecoming departments, as well as various others, with the aim of having a substantial amount of work done.”
Last year’s homecoming budget of $2,000 was increased by 25 percent in order to allow committee growth and productivity.
“This year, we are striving to transcend previous years of budgeting and allocate more money towards who we work for, the student body, and much less to ourselves,” Iredia said.
If the opposite occurs and the budget goes over the predicted amount needed, the excess money goes back into the student discretionary fund to be used on other projects.
Homecoming festivities will kick off on Oct. 6 at noon in the Bearkat Plaza and will continue through Oct. 11.