Adrian Peterson, suspended Minnesota Vikings running back, made a special appearance at the Sam Houston State football game Saturday against McNeese State.
Peterson was unavailable to speak to press after the game, leaving no confirmation on the reason for his stopping by at the game.
News about Peterson’s appearance broke via Twitter midway through the game. Fans made their way to the exit nearest the Ron Mafrige Field House for autographs and pictures with Peterson.
“When I heard he was up here and I saw him, I couldn’t pass it up,” Brent Peters, father of a SHSU senior, said. “He’s going through some bad things right now. I’m just glad he’s out here supporting the community.”
Peterson has been in recent headlines due to incidents off the field. He had his first court appearance Wednesday in Conroe after being indicted by a Montgomery County grand jury for alleged child abuse.
After the 38-22 victory for SHSU over No. 4 McNeese State, Peterson greeted each Bearkat football player and shook their hand in congratulations.