In today’s world, leaving college with debt is not uncommon as student loans cripple many graduates after they leave school. While the process of getting a job and paying off the money sounds straight forward, there are many ways it can go wrong.
The Student Money Management Center wants to help students get out of debt and hopefully avoid it as much as possible. The SMMC will hold the “Debt Man Walking” seminar Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. in Lowman Student Center room 315.
“The event is a workshop where we are going to have a student worker present just a lot of information on credit and on basically how to avoid debt in general,” Erick Funes, Peer Financial Coach at the SMMC, said. “It also has a lot of information on if you are already in debt what to do and how to get out.”
The SMMC has two more events for the end of the semester. There will be a repeat event on “Holiday Spending on a Merry Little Budget” Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. in LSC room 315. The event will teach students how to plan for the holiday season without over spending.
The last SMMC event for the semester is the “ScholarX Travaganza” Dec. 4 at 6 p.m. in LSC room 315. Students will be shown the best ways to fill out the SHSU ScholarX application and receive help from the SMMC during the process.
Pizza and drinks will be provided at the last three SMMC events based on a first come, first serve basis.
For more information contact the Student Money Management Center at 936-294-2600 or at the office located in the Estill Building, suite 228.