The crunch time between spring break and the end of the spring semester where classes are the most stressful on students is here. For an already hard time of the year, this semester has been especially challenging for Sam Houston State University students.
Snowstorm Uri hit Texas in February giving students a week of canceled classes, outages, economic hardship and a backlog of assignments. Since then students have tried their best to recover, with some more successful than others.
This is just a brief time in students’ lives and in a month, the burnout will not even matter. Keeping that in mind makes everything seem less apocalyptic.
Even though we all do it, you should not procrastinate on your work, instead, take breaks in between tasks to help clear your mind before starting again.
Do something you love doing like writing, drawing, going for walks, napping or whatever you enjoy for hobbies. If you need to turn your brain off for a bit, consume some media you like. That time will refresh your brain and will significantly improve your mood.
Most importantly, you should always try to schedule some self-care time for yourself. Schedule a block of time every week or two where it is just for you. Make it an event.
Get a bunch of your favorite foods, cuddle up with a blanket and settle in for a movie night. Do not answer any texts or emails unless it is necessary.
Most professors offer three free absences that do not count against your grade. If you need a me-day, then use one. You should not start skipping every class, but those three absences are there for a reason.
Please remember though, that your professors are still here to help you succeed. If you are genuinely struggling with the workload, let your professor know through an email or a Zoom call.
It is a tough time for college students right now, but the semester is nearly over. Just remember to breathe and everything will be okay.