On April 13, Sam Houston State University’s Theatre department premiered the production, “Constellations” produced by Nick Payne. This student-directed presentation intertwined romance and the quantum universe to create a remarkable melodrama.
This unconventional love story details the relationship progression of two quirky individuals, Roland and Marianne. Within minutes of the production, viewers can see that Marianne is a profound and intellectual thinker, while Roland is nonchalant. Throughout the play, different variations of similar scenes are shown to unveil all the ways their peculiar relationship will pan out. Events continue to unravel, and audiences see glimpses of alternate realities where the couple faces friction over infidelity, declarations of love and heartbreak.
The rollercoaster of events that take place during the progression of the story made this production interesting. The conclusion of the story was gratifying as their relationship came full circle to a reality that was fitting to their circumstances. It was also quite enjoyable that the story came to an end without specified limits, leaving the audience to wonder what the future will hold for the pair.
In addition to the visually pleasing theatrics, I was blown away by the actors’ ability to deliver a great performance with safety guidelines in place. The performers sported facial coverings from beginning to end and it did not affect the story’s eccentricity.
Overall, “Constellations” was a beautiful showpiece that was both fascinating and a unique take on how countless chances within a relationship can mimic an endless parallel universe.