The only week more notorious than “Shark Week” might be finals week for college students. This is the week that students face the most heavily weighted tests on their syllabi. Finals week at Sam Houston State University is just around the corner, so here are some tips on how to do your best on tests and keep stress levels to a minimum.
Plan Ahead
Everyone knows that finals take place during the first two weeks of May, but many students do not know the specific times that their tests take place until the week before. Develop a studying game plan and know when your test will take place. Review the final exam schedules and start reaching out to classmates for study groups.
The SHSU Academic Success Center is an important resource for students seeking help with their courses.
The Writing Center offers help with essay structure, proper writing style and overall writing tips. They offer both one-on-one and group instruction for reading and writing to all SHSU students.
The Math Center helps students who struggle to master equations and formulas by offering help from peer tutors in a safe and encouraging learning environment.
The Academic Success Center also hosts supplemental instruction sessions to help students get a firm grasp on the topics covered in their courses. The sessions are peer-facilitated and utilize reviews, discussions and activities to help students succeed.
Study at your own pace
Associate director for the Office of Health Promotion Megan Richardson found it easier to study when listening to classical music or having some other form of white noise. Richardson learned that taking breaks often helped her stay productive.
“Taking frequent, meaningful breaks while studying is always encouraged,” Richardson said. “Have you ever felt like you were ‘running on fumes’ while trying to power through a long study session or all-nighter? That’s because your body is telling you it needs to rest! A quick 5–10-minute break every hour can increase your productivity and retention dramatically.”
If you are already feeling overwhelmed by the deadlines, the Office of Health Promotion and Student Health Center has free stress relief wellness kits available to students.