Receiving a college ring is an accomplishment that many students look forward to their entire time in higher education. However, some students choose to not participate in this tradition.
A Sam Houston ring is earned, not given. Students who complete 75-credit hours are eligible to purchase their official class ring. From there, each student’s ring will spend the night in Sam Houston’s house before the ring ceremony.
The ring will then be presented by president Dr. Alisa White to each student. In that moment, a Bearkat should feel this immense amount of pride for hard work and of their university as they will take the schools values everywhere with them.
Values such as “honor” are engraved in each and every ring. Sam Houston’s mother gave him a ring right before he went off to war. In that ring was engraved “honor” so that he would be reminded to live an honorable life while away at war.
The history behind this ring should move every student, as well as fill them with pride and honor to be a Bearkat. The campus should be full of students wearing their gold rings with pride.
Let the gold ring on anyone’s hand serve as a reminder to have pride and stay honorable throughout a person’s days at Sam Houston and on after. No matter where it takes any Sam Houston student, the world could use more Bearkat values in it.