The Huntsville Police Department announced a new Chief of Police. Darryle Slaven has been acting as Interim Police Chief since former Chief Kevin Lunsford retired and will now move fully into the position.
“I have complete faith in Chief Slaven in leading the HPD towards what the future holds for us,” said City Manager Aron Kulhavy in a written statement from the City of Huntsville.
Kulhavy also said his decision was based on Slaven’s qualifications for the role and his performance as Interim Police Chief.
Following his graduation from McNeese State University in 1988, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Slaven completed the Harris County Sheriff’s Academy in 1989 and started working for HPD as a patrol officer.
Slaven held many other positions within his nearly 34 years with the department including Field Training Officer, Detective, Patrol Sergeant, Firearms Instructor, Administrative Services Lieutenant and Assistant Chief. He was Captain for almost a year until its title was changed to Assistant Chief.
He continued in that position for close to 12 years.
In the city’s press release, Kulhavy said, “Chief Slaven has shown to be well respected in the law enforcement community, the other departments of the City, and the residents of Huntsville.”
In addition to Slaven’s experience with HPD, he spent multiple years serving in the U.S. Army.
HPD’s James Barnes has also moved into a new role. He will serve as the Assistant Police Chief under Slaven.
Barnes started working for the department in 1994 and held the following titles: Patrol Officer, Neighborhood Bike Officer, Field Training Officer, Detective, Patrol Sergeant, CID Sergeant, Uniformed Services Lieutenant and SWAT Team Supervisor.
“The Huntsville Police Department is a well-respected part of the City organization and will continue to provide the best service to citizens under his direction,” said Kulhavy.