SGA seeks applicants for fall senator, officer positions

The Sam Houston State University Student Government Association is now taking applications for SGA officer and senator positions for the fall 2003 and spring 2004 semester.

Officer positions available include president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Opened senate positions include arts and sciences senator, business senator, education and applied sciences senator and criminal justice senator.

All prospective candidates must meet the following requirements: officer candidates must have attended three long semesters as a full-time student with two long semesters at SHSU; officer candidates must have at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. Senate candidates must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Officer applications are available in the SGA office located in the Lowman Student Center Room 326. Candidates will be allowed to begin campaigning on April 10, after the Election Commission and the Office of the Dean of Students review the applications,

The deadline for applications is April 9 at 5 p.m. All candidates must attach an unofficial transcript to their application and attend an official candidate meeting at 5:30 p.m. in LSC Room 319.

SGA Vice President Constance Jones said students who meet the requirements should not feel intimidated by running for an office.

“Anybody can run if they meet the requirements. It is open to every single person on campus,” she said.

Jones said character and a sense of duty are virtues an officer must have in order to be a productive officer in the SGA.

“We want people who are dedicated and serious,” she said. “We do not want people who just want a title to make them look good.”

Jones said SGA wants people who know what is going on campus.

“They will have to learn about the latest issues. They will have to meet with administration throughout the university,” Jones said. “Texas Grant, financial aid increases, budget cuts and parking are just a few issues they will have to be informed about.”

Keneshe Butler, chair of the Election Commission, said everything must be completed before the election commission reviews the applications.

“No campaigning can begin until the process is completed,” she said.

The Election Commission handles a variety of issues that involve the SGA and its election process.

“We oversee the election and make sure that everything goes the way it should,” Butler said. “We also handle any discrepancies, for instance, if someone thinks they have been cheated or if someone violates the election code.”

Article I, Section G. of the SGA Election Code clearly states that the commission is responsible to the vice president of the SGA for the execution and enforcement of all provisions of the Code and any senate bills pertaining to elections. Violations of any provisions of this Code are punishable by election probation or election suspension as provided for in Article X, Section G.

Article X of the Election Code sets limitations on the methods of campaigning. “Campaigning shall be limited to: speeches, signs (free standing only), handbills, personal solicitation, any mass media available to the candidate.”

The Election Commission must approve any other limitations not mentioned before they can be used.

Butler said that despite the clear guidelines, someone always tries to stretch the rules.

“Every year someone tries to sabotage the election,” she said.

The announcement of the winners will be at the Sammy Awards at 7 p.m. April 30 in the LSC.

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